Animal Agriculture
In 2019, the last year for which final statistical data has been compiled, domestic animal agriculture consumed 604.3 thousand tons of soybean meal in Kentucky — by far the largest source of soybean meal demand. This places the state as #17 in the nation in terms of soybean meal consumption. Additionally, animal agriculture in Kentucky consumed 21,228 tons in soy hulls.
This soybean meal was fed primarily to:
• Broilers (492 thousand tons)
• Hogs (42.8 thousand tons)
• Egg-laying hens (27.5 thousand tons)
In 2019, Kentucky’s animal agriculture contributed:
$6.0 billion
in economic output
$1.2 billion
in household earnings
$305 million
in income taxes
$148.1 million
in property taxes
And the animal agriculture sector has shown growth during challenging economic times. During the last decade, (2009-2019) Kentucky’s animal agriculture has:
• Increased economic output by $245.2 million
• Added 1,947 jobs
• Paid an additional $13.1 million in income taxes
Animal agriculture encompasses mainly beef cattle, hogs, broilers, turkeys, eggs, sheep, dairy, and aquaculture. Future soybean demand is tightly linked to the health of these industries.
Source: 2020 Soybean Meal Demand Assessment prepared for the United Soybean Board by Decision Innovation Solutions (September 2020)
To learn more about animal agriculture in Kentucky, visit the Kentucky Livestock Coalition website.
This information is brought to you by Kentucky’s soybean farmers through their checkoff contributions.